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  Nitro ITC 701 301





Hearing Aid Styles






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Siemens Nitro 701 CT/ITC/HS

‧ Appropriate for severe to profound hearing losses.

‧ Highly flexible 16 channel digital signal processing and programming.

Audiological features with BestSound Technology

FeedbackStopper : Automatically eliminates feedback whistling fast and reliably.

SoundLearningTM 2.0 : Automatically adapts to your volume and sound preferences, while considering your individual listening environments.

‧ 16 channel AGC-I and 16 channel AGC-O system

Speech and Noise Management : Automatically reduces background noise while isolating and enhancing speech.

SoundSmoothingTM, transient noise reduction :Isolates and softens sudden, annoying noises for a more pleasant listening experience.

eWindScreenTM, wind noise reduction system : Detects annoying wind noise and automatically softens it.

Optional Features

‧ Alerting tones for low battery voltage

‧ Volume control.

‧ Push Button for program selection with alert tones for program change.

AutophoneTM :Intuitive usage of a landline telephone: when putting the handset on the ear, it automatically switches to the telephone mode.

Telecoil (for 701 CT/ITC/HS 118/55): Inductive transmission in churches, theatres and other similarly equipped locations and devices. It allows for excellent speech intelligibility while eliminating background noise.


ConnexxLinkTM : for wireless programming

CT/ITC/HS 118/55

CT/ITC/HS 128/70